[events 2010]

events, happenings and celebrations of 2010

  •   all  
  • christmas day
  • perchtenlauf
  • luki's first day of school
  • u2 live in concert
  • sturm graz
  • wakeboarding
  • luki's birthday
  • thesi's confirmation
  • happy easter
  • carnival procession
  • verena's exam ball
  • opening cafe ragnitz
  • renovation cafe ragnitz

christmas day

merry christmas


only bad boys have to be afraid

luki's first day of school

time goes by

u2 live in concert

an breathtaking night

sturm graz

black 'n white forever


ride the wave

luki's birthday

birthday party

thesi's confirmation

my sister get confirmed

happy easter

searching the eggs

carnival procession

once a year everybody drives crazy

verena's exam ball

to congratulate my cousin

opening cafe ragnitz

the new in-bar in town

renovation cafe ragnitz

tune up heinz's new bar

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