[events 2012]

events, happenings and celebrations of 2012

  •   all  
  • perchtenlauf
  • field day
  • kids soccer cup
  • kugl'n
  • bruce springsteen
  • joe's wedding
  • luki's birthday
  • luki's first communion
  • rechberg rally
  • fasching
  • kids soccer cup
  • salzstiegl rodeln


only bad boys have to be afraid

field day

strolling with luki's soccer club

kids soccer cup

mini messi's play soccer


rolling on the pond

bruce springsteen

the boss live in concert

joe's wedding

just married

luki's birthday

birthday party

luki's first communion

luki's first time to get the holy communion

rechberg rally

famous mountain race in styria


once a year everybody drives crazy

kids soccer cup

mini messi's play soccer

salzstiegl rodeln

daytrip with friends

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