[events 2015]

events, happenings and celebrations of 2015

  •   all  
  • christmas day
  • christmas party
  • mulled wine
  • kerstin and rolli's birthday
  • chestnut roast
  • rainhard fendrich
  • our wedding (part I)
  • our wedding (part II)
  • summer time
  • iris's birthday
  • martin's wedding
  • andi's birthday
  • happy easter
  • andrea and rene's birthday

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

christmas party

christmas party with friends

mulled wine

mulled wine with friends

kerstin and rolli's birthday

happy birthday kerstin and rolli

chestnut roast

chestnut, wine and fire

rainhard fendrich

austro pop at its best

our wedding (part I)

forever and ever

our wedding (part II)

by your side

summer time

summer feeling with friends

iris's birthday

happy birthday dear sun

martin's wedding

just married

andi's birthday

happy birthday andi

happy easter

searching the eggs

andrea and rene's birthday

happy birthday andrea and rene

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