
nothing else matters

  •   all  
  • new years eve
  • christmas
  • easter
  • festivities
  • birthday
  • travel
  • sport
  • together

new years eve

welcome party to the new year

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

christmas party

mulled wine with family


keep on climbing

graz marathon

keep on running

iris's birthday

happy birthday dear sun

kerstin's birthday

happy birthday kerstin

arni's birthday

happy birthday arni

spring brunch

sunny spring brunch

deutsch goritz

pechmann's old oil mill

blacky's birthday

happy birthday blacky

happy easter

searching the eggs

winter run

keep on running

winter run

keep on running

new years eve

welcome party to the new year

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

winter run

keep on running

iris's birthday

happy birthday dear sun

corn grill

chill 'n grill

kerstin's birthday

happy birthday kerstin


on the roof of styria

arni's birthday

happy birthday arni


pure luxury in istria

happy easter

searching the eggs

new years eve

welcome party to the new year

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

mulled wine

mulled wine with family

katha and steff's wedding

just married

spring brunch

sunny spring brunch


shorttrip to the capital of the free state of bavaria

luki's birthday

happy birthday luki

happy easter

searching the eggs

blacky's birthday

happy birthday blacky

new years eve

welcome party to the new year

christmas day

e wish you a merry christmas

mulled wine

mulled wine with family

iris's birthday

happy birthday dear sun

euro 2021 family viewing

family viewing with burger and beer

spring brunch

sunny spring brunch

happy easter

searching the eggs

family walken

family sport

luca's birthday

happy birthday luca

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas


world of animals

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

iris's birthday

happy birthday dear sun

happy easter

searching the eggs

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

family meeting

back to the roots


family trip to palfau for rafting

luki's confirmation

luki get confirmed

katha's birthday

happy birthday sis


a special treat for 'short hikers'


a wonderful time travel

schokoladenmanufaktur zotter

sweet dreams are made of this

happy easter

searching the eggs

luca's birthday

happy birthday luca

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

euro 2016 family viewing

family viewing with burger and beer

happy easter

searching the eggs

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

chestnut roast

chestnut, wine and fire

our wedding (part I)

forever and ever

our wedding (part II)

by your side

happy easter

searching the eggs

new years eve

welcome party to the new year

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

chestnut roast

chestnut, wine and fire

christmas day

we wish you a merry christmas

thesis's exam ball

congratulate my little sister. i'm proud of you

luca's confirmation

luca get confirmed

markt hartmannsdorf

back to the root's of my youth

luki's first communion

luki's first time to get the holy communion

happy easter

searching the eggs

thesi's confirmation

my sister get confirmed

verena's exam ball

to congratulate my cousin

luki's tree

we plant a tree for luki

christmas day

merry christmas

katha's exam ball

to congratulate my little sister. i'm proud of you

verena's confirmation

make me a proud sponsor

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